3 Things To Know Before Buying A Bat

3 Things To Know Before Buying A Bat

Starting In 2018, PONY Baseball, the parent youth baseball governing body which administers North Stars Baseball Club in Fairbanks – adopted the USA Baseball Approved Bats (USABats) standard that regulates bat usage for all PONY identified age groups (from 6U Shetland thru 14U Pony). The adoption, geared toward identifying a wood-like bat standard, provides a clear identification of bats that are approved that will best provide for the long-term integrity of the game and development of the athlete. USA Baseball Approved Bats (USABats) are designed to perform much like wood, where their performance is limited to the highest performing wood.

The lighter USA Baseball bats are easier to swing (particularly for developing hitters); this can result in higher batting averages, but not higher hit ball speed. The lighter USA Baseball bats will produce slightly lower hit ball speeds than the non USA Baseball bats.   — Dr. Lloyd Smith and Dr. Alan Nathan

Youth baseball continues to be one of the safest of all sports for youth participants. The updating of the bat standard, like the review of all protective equipment, is a necessary and needed updated that helps baseball remain safe for all it’s participants without jeopardizing key development milestones.

How will I know which bat to buy?

The easiest and most sure fire way to ensure you are purchasing a bat that is approved and ready for use this season is to look for bats that bear the USA Baseball mark per the requirements of USABat. A full list of certified bats can be found here. Don’t worry, if your young athlete loves the feel of a wood bat, they are still allowed as well. One piece wood bats are approved for use under USABat with or without the USA Baseball Certification Mark. Multi-piece and composite wood bats must feature the USA Baseball Certification Mark to be approved for play.

USA Bat Youth Bat Standard
How are USABats certified?

Bats must undergo performance testing and receive a final approval from USA Baseball to receive USABat certification. This means the bat has been performance tested in a controlled lab setting to confirm that it performs at a wood-like standard. Once testing and certification have been approved, the bat maker has rights to manufacture the same design for retail sale that passed testing protocols and add the USA Baseball mark to the bat’s handle. All approved bats are added to the USABat Approved List at USABat.com. If a previously approved USABat is decertified (made ineligible for use), the bat manufacturer is obligated to provide consumers with relief and to take any other steps necessary to make such parties whole. USA Baseball will post information on how to contact the bat manufacturer at https://usabat.com/decertified-bats/ in the event a USABat is ever decertified.

What is the standard for tee ball, coach pitch and machine pitch age groups?

Under the USABat standard, certified tee ball bats will feature the USA Baseball mark and text which reads ONLY FOR USE WITH APPROVED TEE BALLS. Both tee ball bats and standard youth bats featuring the USA Baseball certification mark are recommended for coach pitch and machine pitch leagues. Coach pitch and machine pitch leagues that permit the use of USABat tee ball bats should only use approved low compression baseballs. A full list of approved low compression baseballs can be found here: https://usabat.com/approved-tee-balls/

Keeping costs and barrier to entry in mind, USA Baseball will allow tee ball bats that were produced and/or purchased prior to the implementation of the new standard once they have been certified using an Approved Tee Ball Sticker via the USA Baseball Tee Ball Sticker Program. More information on USABat Tee Ball Stickers and a link to order can be found here.

North Stars Baseball Club is committed to the safety of our athletes, coaches, and spectators – and the equipment that is used and sanctioned plays an integral part of our mission. For more information regarding equipment – including bat usage and approval – or other operations related functions, contact a Board Member any time. See you out on the diamond. #TheBrightestStars


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