Quick Links: Sign Up for Games | Umpire Gear
Say “I’m In” to Umpiring.
Umpires have the ability to positively affect the youth baseball experience for young athletes in Fairbanks. If you have a love for the game of baseball, and want to help instill that same love into others – Umpiring is a great way to give back to the sport you and/or your young athlete love. Training happens on a weekly basis either individually or in a group setting. Text “I’m In” to (907) 978-7873 for more information or to RSVP for the next training seminar.
I’m In, Now What?
First and foremost, thank you for your time and offering to help umpire games. This page will serve as a resource on some of the main logistics of your summer umpiring journey. Once the season gets going or is in full swing, umpiring happens on a your schedule basis. Please note that if you sign up for a game, we are counting on you to fulfill that spot and if for any reason something comes up, contact the Umpire Lead for arrangements.
Signing Up for Games:
Please use the link below to access the IBL game schedule. There are tabs at the bottom for the different levels / ages of play. Putting your name in here will allow the Umpiring Lead to send the appropriate Arbiter Links to you. [Game Schedule]
Arbiter Sports:
This is the site / app used for accepting games that have been assigned to you. Please make sure you check your email to register with Arbiter so payment can be sent out to you. [Arbiter Sports]
Umpire Gear:
Behind the plate umpiring requires certain protection in the form of umpiring gear (i.e. Chest protector, Shin pads, Mask, and counters / clickers / brush / pouches). There are several programs in place to help with the cost, including full re-imbursement of the expense. For more information regarding umpire grants, contact North Stars President Justin Witt at (907) 978-7873. Generally, it is the requirement of the umpire to supply their own shirt, pant and gear bag. Here are a couple of good resources if you need something:
Gear: Ump-Attire.com (For one stop shopping, but a little more expensive).
Gear Sets: Amazon.com
Shirts: Amazon.com Pants: Amazon.com Gear Bags: Champ Pro
Umpiring Info & Resources
From time to time, it will be helpful to have all your resources in one spot. Listed below are some valuable tools and resources you might need during your umpiring assignments:
The Umpire Bible – Valuable resource that has a great presentation of baseball rules and resources;
Interior Baseball League Rule Book – Interior Baseball League has a great resource online for league specific rules to use here in the interior;
Interior Baseball League Policies – Specific league policies that may not be addressed in the Baseball Rules book.

Founded in 2003 as an extension of Interior Baseball League, North Stars Baseball Club is a competitive travel baseball club that uses advanced training techniques delivered by accredited baseball coaches in Fairbanks, AK to develop high quality baseball players in the Interior.
Looking for quick info on the most frequently asking questions?
(Mustang & Bronco) 6 Inning games must complete 3 – No new inning after 1 HR 40 Minutes from official start time (Official start time should be agreed upon by Umpire and both head coaches upon start)
(Pony) 7 inning games must complete 5 – No new inning after 1 HR 50 Minutes from official start time (Official start time should be agreed upon by Umpire and both head coaches upon start)
Every effort should be made to be off the field and next pitch thrown between inning halves within 90 seconds.
Both teams need no less than 7 players to play a game. Reasonable efforts should be made by both teams to share players if needed to avoid forfeits.
Home teams should occupy 3rd base dugout, keeps official scorebook, and supplies game balls to umpire, and does pre game field prep.
Visiting team should occupy 1st base dugout, operate scoreboard (if working) and perform post game field maintenance.
If a team is playing a double header on the same field, as a courtesy, they can remain in their occupied dugout.
Bats – MUST have USA baseball stamp (unless wooden) and 2 ¾ barrels are prohibited. (if the bat is -3, needs BBCOR stamp)
Cleats – Only Pony division is permitted to wear metal cleats
Helmets are now required for base coaches.
Cup – Recommended for all players / Required for catchers.
All players are to be listed and run in a continuous batting order. If a player is injured, they may be skip without penalty (recorded out) in the batting order however they would be removed from the game completely.
If a player is ejected, a recorded out will be made whenever they are up in the lineup.
If one team has fewer players than the other team, the team with more players has the option to bat the same number or players as the opposing team. If this occurs, the player(s) not in the continuous batting order must still bat at least once in the game. Exception: If one team fields a team with 7 or 8 players, the other team may not match that number and must bat at least 9 players.
Mustang Division runners may steal bases, but shall not leave the base they are occupying at the time of the pitch until the pitched ball has reached or passed the catcher. Once the pitcher has stepped on the rubber with possession of the ball, runners who leave base before the pitched ball reaches or passes the catcher shall be called out and the pitch shall be considered as a dead ball.
Bronco and Pony Division players are allowed to lead off and/or steal bases in accordance with Major League Baseball Rules.
The runner must slide or avoid a fielder attempting to make a defensive play. No malicious contact or attempt to dislodge the ball from the fielder will be allowed.
With the exception of the Pony Division, head first sliding into home plate is not allowed; a base runner attempting to do so will be called out. Head first sliding is allowed at all bases in the Pony Division.
Unlimited defensive player substitutions are allowed, with the exception of the pitcher. The pitcher may not return to the mound once removed, except in Shetland and Pinto Divisions. Each Shetland, Pinto, and Mustang Division player shall play a minimum of 2 defensive innings each game. Each Bronco and Pony Division player shall play a minimum of 3 defensive innings each game. If a player plays less than the minimum number of defensive innings in a game (for any reason; complete game, game termination, mercy rule, etc.) that player must start in the next scheduled game and play a new minimum set of defensive innings. A game report entry shall be made if players do not meet these minimum requirements.
A fielder, while not in possession of the ball, may not obstruct a runner in any way. At the discretion of the umpire, an “obstructed” player may advance an additional base beyond the base the player was headed to at the time of the obstruction.
(Regular Season) – These numbers DO allow for finishing the batter. (example – mustang pitcher has 49 pitches for the day, a new batter come up, the pitcher pitches 6 pitches then the pitchers count is 55, but can still pitch after 44 Hrs)
Notes: Team managers should alert umpire and opposite team manager if they are in a “last batter” scenario for pitching.
Not adhering to the required rest period for pitchers will result in an automatic forfeit of the game
Mustang –
1-50 rest for 44Hrs
51-70 rest for 68Hrs
70 Max
Bronco –
1-60 rest for 44Hrs
61-80 rest for 68Hrs
80 Max
Bronco –
1-70 rest for 44Hrs
71-90 rest for 68Hrs
90 Max
Mustang Division teams will switch offense and defense after 3 outs are made or after 5 runs are scored, whichever occurs first, during the first three innings of the game only. There is no maximum number of runs allowed in innings 4, 5, and 6 for the Mustang Division.
Bronco and Pony teams will switch offense and defense after 3 outs are made. There is no maximum number of runs allowed per inning for Bronco or Pony Divisions.
10 runs after 3 innings played by trailing team (for mustang), 4 (for Bronco), and 5 (for Pony) – But keep in mind the minimum amount of innings played requirement listed above.
The dropped third strike rule is not observed for Shetland, Pinto, and Mustang Divisions. The dropped third strike rule is observed for Bronco and Pony Divisions.
This policy applies to all preseason, regular season, and postseason tournament games. The policy of the IBL is that replacement players (from other teams in the same Division only) is allowed to be used in the games when a team has less than 9 players (Per baseball rules section 2, Game Forfeiture, a team can play with 7 or 8 players if they choose). The first Pool for a replacement player will come from the opposing team manager prior to going to the compiled list of replacement players. Each Division Coordinator will compile and maintain a master list of each player and their assessment ratings.
Prior approval of a replacement player by the Division Coordinator is required. Team Managers are to contact the Division Coordinator requesting a replacement player for a specific player on their team. The replacement player’s assessment score must match or be lower than the assessment score of the player being replaced. The Division Coordinator will provide the Team Manager with a list of approved replacement players and their contact information. It is the Team Manager’s responsibility to make those contacts.
The use of a replacement player should be arranged prior to game day if possible, and the team manager must notify the opposing manager before the start of the game that a replacement player will be used. Replacement players must bat last in the batting order, play in the outfield, and may not pitch.